Tantra meditation for male & female. Tantra meditation singles & couples
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Then you can be sexual and loving at the same moment. While the person you're dating may be looking for Mr.
As said, tantra meditation is growing in Love and Consciousness. You will first be asked to create an account on the site and you will do all the giving basic details. My friend Sean recently wowed me by casually mentioning that he had just attended a three-day tantric sex workshop where the end goal was, well, for no end goal.
The Tantra Institute: Home of Tantra Speed Date, Workshops, Classes, & Events - By showing the way — through heart meditation — to open the heart. First we are going to raise our Life energy with Tantric breathing and.
Tantra meditation Tantra meditation is growing in Love and Consciousness. Tantra meditation is a way to reveal yourself again. Tantra helps you make an end to the identification with your mind thoughts and body emotions. Tantra meditation brings you home. As said, tantra meditation is growing in Love and Consciousness. Everything you do with full awareness is, in fact, tantra meditation. Everything you do with love is tantra meditation. Tantra meditation reveals the real you. That what is hidden behind your mind thoughts and body feelings. Tantra meditation is to balance body, mind, and soul again. Bodily approach There are many aspects in tantra meditation. See for the six basic areas where tantra is most commonly practiced. It starts with expanding consciousness but tantra also recognizes the body as a starting point for spiritual growth. Instead of thinking, tantra meditation has a lot to do with feeling. Direct using of your senses is key in tantra. Sex, sexual energy is not condemned but considered a major part of our life energy. This learning process, however, is also the creation of patterns tantra dating in your brain. And that is a good thing otherwise it would be difficult to drink coffee, walk or talk. However, every pattern gives you opportunities but also limits you. If you let your patterns rule, you will become a robot like human. Everything you do becomes automatic. Life becomes dull, little feelings of happiness attached. Tantra is not against patterns but loves humans to be free and happy. So tantric masters stay free of the patterns and use then only when they choose to. In touch with your patterns Growing in awareness is to be more and more in touch with your patterns and free yourself of them. Some patterns are also useless anymore, so you can discard and dispose of hem. Getting more loving as tantra meditation Restore the balance — feel more Society, in general, is becoming more and more rational. We have become more and more head-oriented people. But also individual growth tends to emphasize our mental side through long and extensive education. When we grow up the feeling part of us is discarded or even suppressed. We live in our heads. Feeling, showing too much emotion is not favored. Tantra meditation balances the thinking and feeling again. Through the body, through the senses, we reconnect with the feeling part of us. Tantra uses many techniques to tantra dating this. Awakening of the senses direct sensingbelly breathing, emotional release, loving touch, tantric massage, body awareness and feeling the magical world of vibrating energy, to name a few. Go for Heart tantra dating Heart meditation is key in tantra meditation. Opening the heart makes you reconnect with your deepest core your soul and the love that is there. Opening the heart chakra through heart meditation and other forms of de-armoring enables you to reconnect with yourself and connect with others again. The heart chakra is the center of where you relate. From this center, you can show who you are. You are lovable and can be loving. You can act lovingly, you can look lovingly, you can touch lovingly and much tantra dating. Let Love heal Once you get aware of all the patterns you have in your system, you will also tantra dating that some of them are not so nice. Once triggered, activated patterns can lead to great pain. There is where love comes in. Tantra meditation is aimed at recognizing, accepting and healing old wounds. Tantra meditation for singles Within tantra there are different approaches. White tantra is specifically designed tantra meditation for singles. Mindful of your thinking processes The mindful and yoga part of tantra is tantra dating dominant in white tantra. tantra dating There is no judgment on any thought you might have or get. Thoughts are there, they come and go. Tantra invites you to disengage from your thoughts. So breaking the identification with thoughts is the first step. Gradually changing the thoughts that are triggered is second. Your thoughts tantra dating be lovingly or full of condemnation and judgment. You can change your mind patterns. Tantra meditation, in the end, let you accept the world and people as it is. tantra dating No need to change it. No need to interpreter it. The world is divine, perfect just the way it is. Boosting your life energy The creation of patterns limit what you are: you are limitless consciousness. Society, parents, caretakers are continuously busy limiting your life energy. So there you are… little and crippled. Severely limited in your life energy. Tanta meditation works the other way round. Tantra meditation is about freeing your life energy again. The chakra system is your energy system. Tantra meditation is directed to open all the chakra and make the energy flow loose and natural at all times. Since sexual energy is tabooed for a long time, this area has to is also tackled. Tantra meditation for couples All that is said above applies to couples as well. Couples meditation, however, opens new angles, possibilities and areas to explore. Polarity between men and women One of the ways that we learn distinction is that we project ourselves on the outside, on the other. tantra dating Tantra believes that in every man and woman there is an inner man and woman. So men can tantra dating about their inner woman by projecting on women. Women can learn about their inner man by projecting on men. Mahamudra is the ultimate tantra experience. Energy circuits discovered In our energy system, there are many energy channels. It is believed that we have around 72. Do you know why we so much like to kiss. Sexual energy can be exchanged, love energy can be exchanged. Energy circles can be activated. See c for more information. Tantra meditation for men Men are from Mars. They are a specific species, with specific issues. Men are biologically driven by their sexual energy. Tantra teaches us that there are alternatives. Relaxing in high voltage sexual energy Relaxing in high voltage sexual energy is the biggest challenge men face. As said we early learn to discharge by masturbating. Tantra teaches us to charge the whole body to orgasmic levels instead of local discharge. This can be done by activating and dispersing sexual energy throughout the body. The first important step is to restore the sex — heart connection again. In pre puberty this channel is blocked. Most men can be either sexual horny tantra dating loving but not both at the same time. Gently breathing sexual energy to your heart is one way to open the sex-heart channel and your heart chakra again. Then you can be sexual and loving at the same moment. Then you can incorporate love into you sex-act and really make it lovemaking. Opening the heart chakra Opening the heart chakra is a key element in tantra meditation for men. Of course, this is not true for all but for most men, the heart chakra needs working on. Heart meditation can assist is this. This can be an individual or couples meditation. This is primarily tantra dating first chakra energy. Knowing where to direct this energy and keep it flexible focused is the prime quality of the third chakra. To creatively speak out is the area of the fifth chakra. When these energies are balanced and natural they are an inspiration and nourishment to women. When these energies are too strong we men tend to overpower women which is the case for a long time. So the challenge for men is to be loose and natural in the first, third and fifth chakra and by being so, being totally present, inspire and show women the way. Because of course, they have these powers also everyone has. By your devotion You can empower women even more by recognizing and telling them what beautiful qualities they have. Like the sense- ability to feel and share emotions. Their sensuality and sexuality second chakra. The beauty of their body, moves, but practically the love that they are. The ability to comfort, nourish, accept, love without conditions fourth chakra. And of course their inner wisdom and intuitive powers sixth chakra. Not only by your 100% presence but also by your total devotion you can empower women. Restore the balance Feeling and thinking Tantra has a lot to do with restoring the balance. The balance between thinking and feeling for once. Most men are very rational, thinkers, mostly intellectual processing information. Tantra teaches them to feel again. To embrace their empathic powers and trust their intuitive powers. Male and female qualities With most men, their first, third and fifth chakras are well developed. What tantra does is to put some awareness on the feminine side of our energy system. The world of sensuality and emotions. A world of love and compassion. The world of intuitive wisdom second, fourth, sixth chakra. Oneness Tantra meditation has all to do with the merging of male and female energy. The polarity of male and female energy is used to grow into oneness. Finding the tantra dating in you. Tantra meditation for women The path of love Tantra is the path of love which is, in essence, a feminine path. The depth of love is inconceivable, maybe also for women. That said, tantra is concerned with reconnecting with the Shakti-powers. Sisterhood is important in tantra. Opening the sex chakra Sexual energy with women is highly condemned. So basically over the centuries, the sex chakra is heavily pressured to close. Tantra resolves tantra dating by making a distinction between sexual energy and the sexual act. Women are invited to fully reconnect with their sexual energy without the need to act out. Women have orgasmic powers which are tantra dating for men. So if a woman is connected to her sensual and sexual energy the world lightens up. She literally has an enormous radiation around her. Opening the sex chakra Yoni frees a lot of Shakti power. With women also the heart-sex connection has to be restored. A lot of emotional pain is to be released tantra dating this process. Radiate love — living with an open heart While men male energy penetrate the world and are constantly busy to conquer it, women female energy take a different tantra dating. The feminine nourishes… Love is spread all over by its radiation and it embraces. Living with an open heart leads to spreading love in the form of loving looks, loving touches, loving acts. Empowering tantra dating By your acceptance Unconditional love is a rare phenomenon in this world. From the moment we are born we are negatively told that we have to change, improve, get better. Maybe even the feeling that we ourselves are not good enough the way we are. Still, the love women have for their children spouse is the closest you can get to unconditional love. Love accepts things, accepts tantra dating just the way they are. Even if tantra dating actions are lousy you are still loved and accepted. This is a strong and powerful way in which women empower the men: with love, with acceptance. In tantra and in life the feminine empowers the male by love and acceptance. By showing the way — through heart meditation — to open the heart. By your divine appearance Another way women empower men is by their divine appearance. A women full off Shakti-power is the most beautiful thing a man can see in this world. There is certainly a sensual, sexual dimension in this but it is way, way more. It is in a way how all men want to tantra dating women. So opening this Shakti power is key in tantra. Many meditations include also the divine dancing movements. Restore the balance Strength and focus Tantra has a lot to do with restoring the balance. Most women are very intuitive, feelers, mostly emotionally processing information. Tantra teaches them to excess their physical strength, self-esteem, will power, focus. To embrace their Shiva powers and trust these powers as their own. Male and female qualities With most women, their second, fourth and sixth chakras are well developed. What tantra does is to put some awareness on the male side of our energy system. The world of grounding, security, and basic trust. A world of goals, power, and focus. The world of creativity and speech first, third, fifth chakra. Oneness Tantra meditation has all to do with the merging of male and female energy. The polarity of male and female energy is used to grow into oneness. We have a general introduction and several theme courses so you can pick the course that suits you. tantra dating Want to explore your orgasmic powers?.
Tantric Dating: Conversation and Q & A
Next, decorate with flowers, candles and cozy fabrics. Session 1 will gently awaken the Kundalini and energize your Chakras. Severely limited in your life energy. Instead of thinking, tantra meditation has a lot to do with feeling. First, clear the room of any attention-grabbing clutter. But also individual growth tends to emphasize our mental side through long and extensive education. Getting more loving as tantra meditation Restore the balance — feel more Society, in general, is becoming more and more rational. In pre puberty this channel is blocked.